Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Starting this for FID class.

                       Timothy Rogers


I'm Timothy Rogers, Graphic Designer and Illustrator. Studding Graphic Design at The Art Institutes International of Minnesota. I will get my Associates Degree this spring which I'm adding on top of my other associates degree from Brown/NEC college. I also have diplomas from St. Paul Technical College in Sign Painting and Pinstriping and a Fine Arts from North Hennepin Technical College.


Color pencil illustration of my family if we lived in the 1700's.

 Free hand sketches I have done of basic fruit using pen and paper. No erasing allowed.


These are some free hand logo designs that I have painted.

Logo design using Adobe Illustrator.

My influences 

Chip Foose

Chip Foose: Artist, Fabricator, Designer and TV show host. You might have seen Chip Foose. For 10 years he has had a television show now on Velocity network called OVERHAULIN'. He will take a neglected car and bring it back to life as a Hot Rod! Using his body shop skills that he learned growing up in his fathers shop, he will design, fabricate, create, build, illustrate and design a customers car as hes hosting the TV show. He works with every large car manufacture in the world using his ideas and designs for future cars or there high performance lines. He will build and design your car at Foose Designs in Huntington Beach, California from paper to a drivable car in a short time but it might cost you a quarter of a million dollars or more to do that for you. He at a young age is already in the Hot Rod Designers Hall of Fame.
From illustration of a car using drawing pencils to sketch it out to, marker paper, design makers, air brush for high lights with touches of hand painting. 
To a rolling, driving living beast. 
Now valued more than 2 million dollars. A heavily modified 1935 Chevy two door sedan called the "Grandmaster". 
Chip Foose is totally hands on from start to finish product. There is nothing he can't do on building this car. The hand formed metal work to painting the car. He does it all.

Thom Taylor

Thom Talyor: Published illustrator and designer. He has been in almost every car magazine that is out there Street Rodder, Hot Rod, Car Craft, Popular Hot Rodding, The Rodders Journal and has even started his own "How To Drawing Cars" series of books. Many of his car illustrations have turned in to rolling, driving cars but he stays on the drawing side of things and not the fabrication part of it.
1934 Ford fenderless two door coupe.
1949 Ford Hi-boy woodie two door coupe.


George Trosley

 George Trosley: Known as the head artist in the cartoon magazine called "Cartoons" George has been in all the same magazines as Thom Taylor. The "Cartoons" magazine is his main publication.
His drawings are so accurate they are unbelievable. 
His cartooned style, nobody can touch. His drawings look like the actual model of the car or truck, so much so you can identify the type and year of the car while it is still draw as a cartoon.

David Bell

David Bell: Hailing from the Golden Gopher state, Minnesota.  You could find his drawings every month on the back page of Street Rodder magazine. Seen here at Chili's he never went some place with out drawing paper and a pencil or pen.
Pen and Ink drawing of Street Rods and Hot Rods are incredible detailed so much so if you don't look close while you read it you might just miss the wording on the side of the tires or in the side of the cars to tell you what the colro of the car is suppose to be.

This drawing is from the early 70's. Street Rodder magazine used this as an illustration for a column they called "On The Run".

This is the my family, About Me

"Heidi" My 1967 Volkswagen Beetle that I have had since 1987 (going on 27 years) I've had this car longer than my best friends. She is definitely apart of the family.  


The Rogers Family 2012 Walt Disney World Florida Joslyn, Jessica, Ryker and Timothy

My beautiful wife Jessica 

Married the day before the Forth of July 2010


This summer the Rogers' family has a new addition, Bella. A Golden Retriever puppy seen here running in the back yard of our house with my son Ryker.
This is my two year old Daughter Joslyn. She was born at only 26 weeks. She was just 2 lbs, 6 oz at birth. Joslyn was in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) after birth for 75 days. She is doing very well now, She does have some set backs from being born so early that she is working through. Joslyn has form of Cerebral Palsy called Spastic. She has several tightness of her muscles in her hamstrings which it doesn't allow her to move her legs as easily as yours and mine. So much though Joslyn goes to therapy twice sometime 3 times a week at Gillette Children's Rehab Clinic in Minnetonka to working on basic things sitting up right, crawling on hands and knees and walking without any assistance. Joslyn has a Gate Trainer to help her walk and she just received her first wheel chair the other day. She is working really hard on her stepping which turns into walking and all the simple things that come natural to you and I. She is my little trooper.

Joslyn's second birthday on Halloween

Joslyn and her new Wheelchair. She can really scoots in it!

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